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Rendered on 2024-12-24, Pungenday, the 66th day of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3190 [?]

Semprini, DIY Quad Tape Player



Making Of Semprini Quad Tape 2016x1512 948.8 kB

Semprini is a brand of audio gear, active in Italy in the '60 and '70s.

The original Semprini mixer 550x420 102.7 kB
The original Semprini mixer 268x188 9.9 kB

They mainly focus on mixers and gear for broadcast market. The mixer was found in a dumpster an the most parts of it was not recoverable. However, the jingle mechanics seems to be in a decent shape. The schematics seems to be impossibile to find, so a little bit of reverse engineering was required in order to find the correct power supply voltages, and the troubleshooting was not so easy.

Once the electrical and mechanical functionalities was restored, I've created a wooden case, a 3d printed logo using original artwork as template, and I made some mods, like the possibility to change the tape speed using a pot.
The performance La Portata di un Condotto was the first one that uses this quad tape player.


Making Of Semprini Quad Tape 2016x1512 861.7 kB
Making Of Semprini Quad Tape 2016x1512 1283.3 kB
Making Of Semprini Quad Tape 2016x1512 1151.3 kB
Making Of Semprini Quad Tape 2016x1512 908.8 kB
Making Of Semprini Quad Tape 1512x2016 1221.8 kB
Making Of Semprini Quad Tape 1512x2016 1310.5 kB
Making Of Semprini Quad Tape 2016x1512 1035.4 kB
Making Of Semprini Quad Tape 2016x1512 1264.4 kB
Making Of Semprini Quad Tape 2016x1512 913.4 kB
Making Of Semprini Quad Tape 2016x1512 829.0 kB
Making Of Semprini Quad Tape 2016x1512 858.7 kB
Making Of Semprini Quad Tape 2016x1512 923.2 kB